Designed to remove the need for complex or fiddly mechanisms this speed loader is designed to be as easy to use as possible, with large opening fill windows and a large crank handle, making it easier to use even with gloves. The speed loader is designed to be used in combination with STANAG / M4 / AR-15 / M16 Magazines which clip securely into place just like they would when inserted into your Airsoft Replica. The speed loader is filled from the top by sliding back the large fill window and then simply poor your BBs directly from the bottle. Once you have inserted your magazine simply fold out the side Crank and turn it to start filling your magazine, and fold it back in once complete. The top of the speed loader also features ergonomic finger grip points for a more secure grip on the loader whilst using the crank to fill the magazine. This is the perfect alternative for those Airsoft Skirmishers who are sick of carrying around multiple small speed loaders, want to leave bottles of BBs back at spawn, or for those who simply want to load their magazines as fast as possible.
- Holds up to 1000 6mm BB's
- Rapidly load a Midcap in under 5 seconds
- Magazines Lock in to Place
- Magazine catch to prevent magazines dropping
- Winding Handle to rapidly Load BBs
- Folding handle for storage
- Moulded Grooves for Fingers
- Easy to use with Gloves
- Fits inside a double M4 Magazine Pouch
- Designed to limit BBs lost due to spillage